Experimental / Arion

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ARION LS-1 LIGHTNING 120HP • $75,000 • FLY CHEAP • 2011 Arion LS-1 Lightning, N481SL, sn# 121 TTAFE 470, Avionics Grand Rapids Sport EFIS,GARMIN SL30 Nav/Com, Grand Rapids Engine Info System,Auto Pilot, ADSB-Out, leather seats, canopy cover ,Jabiru 3300 120hp 6 cylinder engine, fuel burn is 5 gallons an hour, I am seeing about 4.1 but I am only running at 2650 RPM, long range cruise. Recently took a trip from Williston FL to Cincinnati, Ohio 630 nautical miles took me six hours of flying time and I burn 32 gallons of fuel with one fuel stop, the aircraft holds 30 gallons of fuel. Driving up there took us 13 to 14 hours and we used more fuel. • Contact Joe Radvansky - PILOT , Owner - located Summerfield, FL 34491 United States Telephone: 5135085161 • Posted January 17, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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