Experimental / Rutan

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LONG EZ PROJECT • $20,500 • PRICE REDUCED • Started in 1986, I have worked on it since 2007. Ready for fill-and-fair. Job move forces sale. Includes everything but the avionics: O-320 Engine core, Carb and other accessories, spare case and accessory housing. Original Long EZ Brock engine mount, Great American prop “Jackpot Special”. Tubing to complete change to steel pushrods if desired. Hidden rudder horn mod materials. Plethora of hardware. Brakes with multiple master cylinder options. Lightly tinted canopy. Foam sheets for repair or mod. One bag of micro, one bag of flox. Located in Portland OR. • Contact Larry Pilkington , Owner - located Oconto, WI 54153 United States Telephone: ---------- • Posted January 13, 2025 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad • View Larger Images
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